GX1 Hints and tips

There are quite a few features on the GX1 that are not that obvious from the manual. I'll try and deal with these in more depth on this page.

Custom Mode on the Panasonic GX1 micro four thirds

This is really great! Custom mode lets you store preferred settings. For example, I have one custom set for taking black and white at 50mm with an ISO of 400, no flash with Shutter priority. Normally this would take a certain amount of twiddling, but custom mode means that you only have to sort it once! Custom mode settings even survive taking the battery out to recharge!

So here's how it is done!
1. Move the camera wheel to C1 or C2.
2. Set the camera with the settings you want to store.
     e.g. Manual mode
             ISO 160
             SS 1/60
             Vivid colour
             No flash
             Spot metering
             Pinpoint focus
3.  Press the MENU/SET button
4. Select CUSTOM from the menu
5. Select CUST.SET MEM
6. Store as one of the four memory locations ( C1, C2-1 etc)

To retrieve the stored setting simply twiddle the top knob to C1 or C2!

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