Monday, 13 January 2014


So, breakfast at last!. Now for homework project number one. Take 10 images of a household object from different angles. The object in question needs to be a size somewhere between a thimble and a car..
I decided on our toaster. I suppose I should really have cleaned it, but I was more interested in the different textures you might find in a well used toasting machine. I took a whole heap of pictures (probably 100+) and finally whittled the selection down to a dozen. So, here they are. I didn't really fiddle around that much with the camera, I just put it in "Aperture" mode and snapped away!

I developed prints from these at Tesco using their automated machine. Unfortunately I only found out at the end that they only offer prints with a gloss finish. The quality is not bad, but not brilliant either! Fifty pence a pop for 7" x  5". Smaller sizes are cheaper and reduce in price if you print in bulk. As luck would have it, my machine ran out of photographic paper, so I still have a few pictures stuck in Tesco's photographic  limbo.


I took these pictures on a sunny Saturday morning in January. Fortunately the garden is out of focus.

A bit over exposed?

I took some pictures on top of a mirror. You can never get too many reflections!

We all know it is dangerous to put a knife in a toaster, so forks should be quite safe?

burnt toast!

For some reason our smoke alarm did not go off. Better go check the battery! This did not develop very well. Perhaps a tad too dark?

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